Friday, April 28, 2017

HDR Photography

1. An HDR photo are pictures taken at different exposure levels and all combined together. There is varying shutter speed and aperture combinations. Then you use advanced post- processing software.

2. The things you will need to take this type of photograph are a camera that preferably has a Auto Exposure Bracketing, a tripod, and a HDR shot-blending software.

3. The reason someone would take an HDR photo is to find the happy medium between all pictures combined.

4. Once you merge the photos together you can expect so see things differently than just one photograph which are that stillness is the main thing and the photographer takes a range of bracketed photographs to combine them together.


HDR Photography






Thursday, April 27, 2017

Infographic and Illustrator

Final Exam Planning

1. I will shoot this assignment within the next two weeks.

2. I will shoot at my tumbling gym.

3. I will be telling my story about me getting ready for tumbling, the drive there, then stretching and tumbling with go pro footage strapped onto me then filming friends who are also tumbling as well.

4. I will need a camera as well as a go pro to get this footage done.

5. I will be doing this by starting off with me explaining what is going to happen then starting my doing pictures of getting ready and in the midst include videos if tumbling and myself tumbling with the go pro strapped onto me.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

My Opinions Story

      Starting school later has been a topic on many peoples minds for the last couple of years that hasn't been enforced. I believe that starting school later is a great idea for everyone including teachers to be fully awake by the time school starts.

       I believe that starting school later would be a very good decision for students and teachers and even parents to give everyone a little longer to sleep in the morning. Pediatricians and politicians have scientifically proved that everyone should be able to sleep in later before school starts to make sure the students are fully awake and paying attention and retaining information that they need. I think this claim is very important because it shows that by sleeping in the students will be retaining the information that they need. It is also important to get more sleep because it is good for the overall health.

        By starting school early it doesn't allow the sleep needed because any students are up doing homework and teachers are up grading papers. But, if school started later then students would not have to feel sleep deprived from the late night of homework and waking up early to start another day of school. Many teenagers need 81/2 to 9 hours of sleep a night to be fully awake the next morning so by starting school later it gives students more time to sleep and be awake by the time school starts.

         In Minneapolis, the schools started just one hour later but many students were reported to have gotten at least one more hour of sleep a night and that was just by increasing the start of school by less than an hour. Sleep needs to be the top of everyones priority because it can drastically effect how the person feels the next day during school. Many people walk around like a walking zombie not even retaining one ounce of any of the information they have learned in their classes from being sleep deprived.

        When students and teachers are tired and drowsy from the school day before and by starting school early can cause driving dangers as well. If students are so tired from homework and having to wake up early that they cannot even focus on the road then many things can happen such as car accidents, falling asleep while driving, swerving. This is not only the want to have school later so students and teachers can sleep in but the safety of everyone who occupies the school.

      If the change was made and school started later then school would end later. This is beneficial for many because most of teen crime starts between 3-7 PM. This is when students are out of school and their parents are not home. If school were to start and end later most students would go home to parents or guardians and the level of crime in students would go down.

         On the other side of this some students may say that they would like to keep it the way it is so they can go home earlier. I think that this does prove a good statement but I believe that it is the same amount of hours that you are there and I think once people know that then they would appreciate that they get to sleep in and relax in the morning before school instead of going home earlier and stressing about homework. By starting school later then students and teachers, even parents have more time to relax without getting into the school schedule. Some parents would say that they would have no way of getting their children to school but, they're are busses and carpool that can be made so I think that there is a way around every problem for starting school late.

          Many people may say that starting school later is not very important but most say it is true. Many scientists have proven that by students getting the efficient amount of sleep, they will be more able to excel at school that day and the year to come and not get burnt out so easily. With school starting later I think that most people would be on board because it allows everyone to sleep more which is a big problem floating around schools.

S.L.O. practice

1. D
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. D
6. C

On March 31, 2017, Josh and Rachel Cummins went to the whitehouse to have a interview with the president. The couple was seen shaking hands with the president before leaving the premises.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Opinions Writing Preview Activity


Immigration Laws Getting Out of Hand:

1. there is no one listed

2. immigration laws getting out of hand

3. Their stance on the topic is that they do not agree. "Because of these random ICE raids, immigrants live in fear of deportation."

4. yes they touch on both sides.

5. They were wishy washy on some topics within the one major topic but for the majority that stuck with their opinion.

6. There are no quotes in the story.

7. second

Betsy DeVos unfit to serve as US Secretary of Education

1. Reagan Wallace

2. US secretary of education

3. They do not think that DeVos is fit to serve

4. No there is only one side which is negative "but is simply unqualified for a role in the U.S. Education Department,"says Reagan Wallace.

5. They were not wishy washy on their opinion

6. There are no quotes

7. first


Our Great Tree is worth saving

1. Ian Miller

2. Saving a tree

3. He thinks it is worth the price to save the tree. "In my opinion, it's absolutely worth the price to save it,"says Ian Miller.

4. yes they did touch on what it would be like for the tree to be gone

5.  They were not wishy washy with their opinion and they thought that it is important to save it at all times.

6. There are no quotes

7. 1st

Going above the norm for college

1. Jake Brien

2. college

3.  He talks about the importance of going into college no matter the costs. "By going to college, students gain important life lessons," says Jake Brien.

4. Yes they do touch on both sides of going to ACC and university as well as cost.

5. They were not wishy washy with their topic they supported is completely.

6. There are no quotes in the story.

7. 2nd

Importance of physics class

1. Abby Ong

2. Physics

3. They believe it is necessary to take.

4. They talk about not having to take it unless you are under a certain endorsement.

5. They were not wishy wash and they believe that it is important to take physics.

6. There is no quotes.

7. 1st

A. I think the difference between a hard news story and a opinions piece is that for hard news  it is more serious, for an opinions piece it is shorter and controversial, and a hard news story is very factual and not as controversial.

B. I think that there are not very many photos on this page because everything that needs to be said is in the writing and it is not about a specific person in general.

C. I think three topics to write an opinions piece about would be the importance of sports, the importance of dress code, and the importance of picking up trash and keeping bowie clean.

Peer Review SoM

Angela photo j link:

Paragraphs: 45

 5 quotes?: 25

Inverted Pyramid: 25

Extra Credit: 5

Total:           100

Thursday, April 13, 2017


      On Monday April 10, 2017 Jenna Larner won the student of the month award. The award was given at Bowie High School last night. 

      Larner got the award at Bowie High School for being an outstanding student in all ways academically and her personality. There was an interview that was being asked for the student of the month. She was the most talented musician which got her far in the voting for the student of the month throughout the whole entire school.     

        Larner is involved with different school activities and is hoping to do more next year. "I am in band this year and I am hoping to be in marching band as well as band my sophomore year," Larner says. Larner would like to do more things for the school as well and is hoping to take a role in the school to make them happen. "I would like to become Vice President of the school or in student council and I would like to change the school by remodeling the whole school to make it a nicer campus,"Larner states.    

      As the student of the month Larner was asked some questions about what she would like to do in her future. Such as what college she would like to go to as well as where she would like to like. "I would like to be a physicshiatrist as well as go to UT. But I would like to stay somewhere in Texas," Larner states. Warner was expressing all that she wanted to accomplish in life and how she felt that she wanted to be an influence for her family as well as everyone else around her. She wants to help others but stay close to home to stay near to her family. She is already getting a good start to helping people by being in girl scouts and learning necessary life skills. "I am currently in girl scouts and loving every minute,"Larner says.   
     Larner wanted to show the importance of academics and the affect that it would have on everyone in the future. "The classes I will be taking next year are all pre-ap classes except for geometry. I will also be taking electives that will go along with what I want to do in my future,"Larner states. She is a very hardworking individual that knows what she wants. " I think that a trait I would be described as is hardworking,"Larner exclaimed! All of her teachers adore her and believe that she will go far in her career as well as schooling. She looks up to one teacher who has made a big impact on her life. "I look up to my teacher Mr. Thomas the most out of all of my teachers. He is so inspiring,"Larner states. 

     "Jenna Larner got awarded for student of the month because of her positive attitude to get through the good and the bad and her excitement to learn everything,"says Larners teacher Mr. Thomas. The next student of the month will be posted early May as teachers are now evaluating next months candidates.

Nut Graf paragraph and body paragraph and ending

Jenna Larner got the award at Bowie High School for being an outstanding student in all ways academically and her personality. There was an interview that was being asked for the student of the month. She was the most talented musician which got her far in the voting for the student of the month throughout the whole entire school.


Mr. Thomas  is one of Larners most inspirational teachers. "Jenna Larner got awarded as the student of the month because of her hard work daily and her compassion towards everything she learns,"says band teacher Mr. Thomas.


"I was very happy to be awarded as the student of the month because it shows everyone the hardworking person I am,"Larner says.
Th next student of the month will be announced the first week of May.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Nut Graf

Definition : A nut graf is typically a paragraph that is in a feature story. This paragraph is very important to the story because it explains the news value of the story. The term nut graf is short for a nutshell paragraph. This paragraph simply just explained what the story is going to be about.

The nut grad normally starts in the third of fourth paragraph or after the opening paragraphs. Most of the information is contained in this. Most of the information is contained in this paragraph because it keeps the reader want to keep reading more after finding factual information about it.

Student Of The Month Story

Who- Jenna Larner

What- Student Of The Month Story

Where- Bowie High School

When-Monday April 10, 2017

Why- Jenna Larner is being asked questions because she won student of the month.

How- I am interviewing Jenna Larner. For being an outstanding student.

On Monday April 10, 2017 Jenna Larner won the student of the month award. The award was given at Bowie High School last night.

Inverted Pyramid

Example: Image result for inverted pyramid example

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Portfolio Analysis

part 1

photographer : Alyssa Schukar sports

general focus: eating disorders and emotional pictures.

Three problems: too distant not close and personal, same distance, same lighting and needs scene setters

Two things they liked: The guy sweeping street shows the lighting and emotion with color, good graphic when the kids are standing in the stairway

overall impression: was upsetting and dark take on eating disorders. Not my favorite interpretation.

photographer : Nick Adams sports

general focus: children and handicapped for the most part but a somewhat happy take

Three problems: focus isn't right (out of focus), disabled children because they don't have any more to learn about, 2 dimensional and not interesting for some of the pictures.

Two things they likes: likes the way some pictures fill all four corners, likes siloughetes in the dark as well as some graphics.

overall impression: trying to put more than needed into the story and was boring and not interesting.

photographer : Josh Birnbaum

general focus: for the most part they have fun takes on different situations and pictures.

Three problems: needs more advanced level of photography, does nothing and does not show emotion, great idea but mainly bad pictures.

Two things they likes: all pictures are amusing by costumes but not overall the best pictures, misopportunity on many pictures.

overall impression: Pictures showed meaning towards the end and don't transition well.

photographer : Justin Mott

general focus: sadness and hunger and poverty.

Three problems: Some things are out of focus, Some pictures don't go along with the story line, graphics did not fully come through in the photos.

Two things they likes: Tells a story, great concern and emotion, shows a lot with the fire in the background of the pig killing and all pictures contain a great point of view.

overall impression: My overal impression is that the pictures were delivered in good emotion and gives a lot of story. However, some of the photos don't add to the story or are too blurry. Graphically far ahead of the other videos.

Winning Portfolio:

2. a. liked the context as well as the grittiness, shows good moment even though they should be taken at a lower level, very creative even though there is a setup.

b. I liked the graphics as well as the color and motion and everyone is doing something throughout the portfolio. Some of the graphics were a  little too in motion and were not completely clear at all times.

3. The process that the judges went through to determine a winner were going back through just looking at the pictures to remind themselves of everything before they made their final decision. Then as they slowly take out people they then look back and talk together about all of their opinions to decide together.

Part 2:

1. One photo that I agree with the judges are is on the very first video (number one not A) and it is the picture of the man caught flying in the middle of the air in the middle of the wave and I agree with the judges when they say that it is a good concept and a good photo but the photographer should have waited and taken the picture when the person makes contact with the water because that would give more of an affect and motion.

2. A photo that I do not agree with the judges on is the 5th down from the first video (number 5 not including A) and is the picture of the girl getting attacked by the bird when they say that it is a good photo and it is exciting when I don't think it shows any excitement and is a boring picture that I wouldn't even want to look at it.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Learning how to interview - Student of the month

Student of the month:

1. What school activities are you currently in? Band

2. How old are you? 14

3. What is your name and what grade are you in? Jenna, 9th

4. How were you asked to be student of the month? I was presented a medal by the vice principal as well as the principal.

5. What school sports or activities are you planning on doing next year? I am planning on doing marching band and band

6. What teacher do you aspire to be like? I aspire to be like Mr. Thomas.

7. What is your dream job? To be a psychiatrist

8. What is your favorite subject in school? Science

9. What is your favorite elective in school? Band

10. What types of classes are you planning on taking next year? All pre-ap excepts for geometry as well as steel drums and band.

11. What is one fact about you that many people do not know? Im very hardworking.

12. If you were to change one thing about this school what would it be? It would probably be to remodel the whole building.

13. Are you aspiring to be in the National Honors Society? Yes

14. What (if any) community work do you do outside of school? I am in girl scouts.

15. Do you have any siblings that have gone to this school or who are planning on coming to Bowie? Yes, I have an older sister who is a senior at Bowie.

16. What are your top 2 favorite books? Selection and the Maze Runner

17. What is your dream college? UT

18. Where do you aspire to live when you grow up? Somewhere in Texas

19. Are you planning on taking any big roll for the class of 2020 such as president? Yes, I would like to be the vice president in the student  council.

20. Would you ever consider making an additional club for Bowie High School?  I would not want to make another club for Bowie because I think that there are already so many that people can choose from.

Learning how to interview- School Uniforms

School Uniforms :  Three people I can interview for the topic over adding school uniforms are the Principal, the counselors, as well Elaine, the dress code lady.

1.  What is the reason for the new school uniforms?

2. Do you agree with the addition of the school uniforms?

3. Can you give any idea to us of what the school uniforms will look like?

4. Who made the final decision on adding the school uniforms?

5. Who proposed the idea to add school uniforms?

6. What will the cost be of the new school uniforms?

7. Will girls wear pants or a skirt?

8. Will there be different tops to alternate or will they all be the same?

9. When will the addition of the uniforms be in effect?

10. What will the consequences be for someone who does not wear their uniform?

11. Will their be specific shoes and socks that we are required to wear?

12. Will the cheerleaders wear their uniforms on game days or will they wear the uniform?

13. Will their be a long sleeved and short sleeved uniform for the changes in weather?

14. Will the girls have to wear their hair in a specific style? (up or down)

15. Will all AISD enforce the uniform law?

16. Will all of AISD have the same uniforms or different depending on school?

17. Will their be a change in all sports uniforms once the law is enforced?

18. Will the uniforms vary depending on the grade they are in?

19. Will all students be able to wear jewelry with their uniform?

20. Will all students have a jacket as part of their uniform that they have to wear?