Tuesday, April 25, 2017

My Opinions Story

      Starting school later has been a topic on many peoples minds for the last couple of years that hasn't been enforced. I believe that starting school later is a great idea for everyone including teachers to be fully awake by the time school starts.

       I believe that starting school later would be a very good decision for students and teachers and even parents to give everyone a little longer to sleep in the morning. Pediatricians and politicians have scientifically proved that everyone should be able to sleep in later before school starts to make sure the students are fully awake and paying attention and retaining information that they need. I think this claim is very important because it shows that by sleeping in the students will be retaining the information that they need. It is also important to get more sleep because it is good for the overall health.

        By starting school early it doesn't allow the sleep needed because any students are up doing homework and teachers are up grading papers. But, if school started later then students would not have to feel sleep deprived from the late night of homework and waking up early to start another day of school. Many teenagers need 81/2 to 9 hours of sleep a night to be fully awake the next morning so by starting school later it gives students more time to sleep and be awake by the time school starts.

         In Minneapolis, the schools started just one hour later but many students were reported to have gotten at least one more hour of sleep a night and that was just by increasing the start of school by less than an hour. Sleep needs to be the top of everyones priority because it can drastically effect how the person feels the next day during school. Many people walk around like a walking zombie not even retaining one ounce of any of the information they have learned in their classes from being sleep deprived.

        When students and teachers are tired and drowsy from the school day before and by starting school early can cause driving dangers as well. If students are so tired from homework and having to wake up early that they cannot even focus on the road then many things can happen such as car accidents, falling asleep while driving, swerving. This is not only the want to have school later so students and teachers can sleep in but the safety of everyone who occupies the school.

      If the change was made and school started later then school would end later. This is beneficial for many because most of teen crime starts between 3-7 PM. This is when students are out of school and their parents are not home. If school were to start and end later most students would go home to parents or guardians and the level of crime in students would go down.

         On the other side of this some students may say that they would like to keep it the way it is so they can go home earlier. I think that this does prove a good statement but I believe that it is the same amount of hours that you are there and I think once people know that then they would appreciate that they get to sleep in and relax in the morning before school instead of going home earlier and stressing about homework. By starting school later then students and teachers, even parents have more time to relax without getting into the school schedule. Some parents would say that they would have no way of getting their children to school but, they're are busses and carpool that can be made so I think that there is a way around every problem for starting school late.

          Many people may say that starting school later is not very important but most say it is true. Many scientists have proven that by students getting the efficient amount of sleep, they will be more able to excel at school that day and the year to come and not get burnt out so easily. With school starting later I think that most people would be on board because it allows everyone to sleep more which is a big problem floating around schools.

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