Friday, September 30, 2016

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Academic Shoot reflection and critique

1. The challenges that I faced while trying to get pictures that followed the rules were finding that a lot of the lighting was best outside so the best pictures were of students working outside instead of in a classroom. Also, the classrooms looked messy because of the papers and textbooks so it was hard to get a picture that focused just not he subject.

2. The technical aspects of photography that I think I focused on the most were the focus of the picture and good lighting as well as not trying to turn or tilt the camera because I was worried if I ended up tilting the picture then the whole rule would be messed up because then the picture would be at an angle.

3. If I could have done this assignment again I would have focused more on the hard rules and not done a bunch of the easier rules. I found this as a problem when picking out pictures to put on this blog because I had taken so many of the easy rules and had so many to choose from but then when it car to looking at the more difficult rules I either had very few or just one that I had to use. This was a problem because usually the picture looks different on the big computer screen so it was hard to have to use the picture that I was not happy with. With that said, I would go into more classrooms and get the hard rules knocked out first.

4. If I redid this photo shoot I would still get multiple pictures for each of the rules and like I did get good pictures by a window where a lot of the light comes through. This is good because then the picture would be yellow and I wanted it crisp. I would also like to go into the same classrooms again because I really like the use of classrooms and which classrooms I chose to be in and take pictures.

5. When I go out with my next set of prompts I think that the rule that will be the easiest to achieve is the rule of thirds because I can make a picture turn into the rule of thirds by the position of my camera and my body. You can do this by simply shifting over to make the picture rule of thirds. The rest of the rules you can't really make happen but this one you can.

6. I think the rule that will be the hardest to achieve is frame. I had a hard time with framing because I could not find any other framing except for people inside doorways. Also, I struggled with this because even if I found a picture everything still looked crammed or cluttered and the picture was not focusing on the center point.

7. The rule that I am still not totally clear on is balance. I can look back at the powerpoint that we did earlier this six weeks and go over balance and the definitions and examples because I understand what balance is I just don't understand if there is a rule that the camera can not be shifted. I will look at the power point to make sure everything makes since.

Blog feedback:


Two positive things in Gail's blog was that I think her merger picture is very cool because she shows the person with a huge merger which is a pole from the ground but it really looks like it's coming out of her head. I think this picture demonstrated a merger very well. Another positive thing in Gail's academic shoot is that her balance picture is good because she shows one person on each side of the table which perfectly shows how the picture is balanced on each side.


One thing that could be improved on in Gail's academic shoot is for her framing picture there is not really a frame around the boy so she could make the frame more clear next time because there is so much going on in the background that you cannot even tell where the frame around the boy could be.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

DSLR camera simulator

1. The aperture settings on this camera are 2.8,4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16 and 22.
2. The shutter speed settings available on this camera are one second, 1/60 seconds and 1/4000 seconds.
3. The ISO settings available on this camera are 100,200,400,800,1600,3200,6400,12800 and 25600.


ISO 200

ISO 3200

1. The advantages of a higher ISO for a sporting event are that a higher ISO can capture fast moving pictures like a goal in a basketball game or something like that. Another is that the higher ISO can freeze the motion of the picture without too much blur.

2.  Suggestions the author made about using a low ISO were to stick to the lowest or base ISO of your camera. Also, when there is plenty of light use the lowest ISO. Also, the lowest ISO is used to capture ghost looking pictures.

3. The authors suggestions about using a high ISO are when there is not enough light and you need to capture a picture very quickly. As well as introducing the image without capturing blur. Also, anytime you shoot indoors and have the ISO on you do not need to set your flash on.

Shutter Speed

High shutter speed:

Slow shutter speed:

 Beginning when sun was still up:
A. High shutter speed
B. Low shutter speed
C. High shutter speed
D. High shutter speed
E. Low shutter speed
F.  High shutter speed

Towards the end:
A. Low shutter speed
B. High shutter speed
C. Low shutter speed
D.Low shutter speed
E. High shutter speed
F. Low shutter speed

2. Aperature Priority - when the camera automatically sets shutter speed and you set the aperture, Shutter Priority - when you set the shutter speed but the camera sets the aperture, Manual - when you set aperture and shutter speed by yourself.




1. The part of the body that you have to closely relate aperture to is the pupil.

2. The smaller the aperture ,the higher the aperture the smaller the f-stop.

3. Aperture impacts depth of field because a larger f- number will create a more clear background and a smaller f-number will create a more blurry background.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. The main posts that people make regarding manipulation is ethics vs. aesthetics and art vs. journalism. Also, the cameras back then did not accurately show what nature looked like and the color and simplicity. The photo shop started back when the camera was first invented then people started to realize that photo shop was actually at thing that everyone could do.

B. The philosophies of New York Times, the Washington Post and USA Today show that they have to show all of their profs as well as turn in their final portfolio to make sure the photographs are able to be used. I also think that photoshop was a big deal according to this because they showed how to properly edit a picture efficiently.

C. Some things you can do to not cross the line of manipulation is slightly changing the brightness to make the picture brighter, or taking out things such as red eye and changing a slight tone of filter of the overall picture. As well as cropping the picture to make it fit what you want into the picture without unnecessary things. Or also changing the background to make the colors not clash or to make the background not look so cluttered.

D.   I think this picture is unethical because all of the people in the picture look like they are floating around throughout the picture. The three people closest to the left all have their feet in the same place. The other person on the far right looks like she was photo shopped in and it looks very bad. The background was obviously changed because if it wasn't they would not be floating in the air.

E. I think that the photo shop in the picture above is not as bad as the previous one because the second picture is just closer up and cropped vs. the first picture because it looks better closer up to show the real subject and what the main focus is on. Also, this is good because it shows that the first picture has so much background that the picture isn't focused on the main point. Again, this photoshop is very slight and does not look unnatural.

Academic Shoot

Rule Of Thirds:

1. The composition rule I followed is rule of Thirds and I believe I followed the rule because the girl is to the left of the picture.
2. The subject of this photo is the girl to the left.
3. I believe it is clear to see what the subject is.
4. If I could have made this more clear then I would have maybe put her a little more to the left and maybe blur out the lockers so that is not a distraction.`


1. The composition rule that I followed was merger and I think I followed this rule because there is a block in front of her.
2. The subject of the picture is the merger which is the pole and the girl.
3. I think the subject is not clearly seen because of the merger.
4. I think for me to make this picture better I could have not included the merger and focus on the girl.


1. The composition rule I used is simplicity and I think that I followed this rule because it is just the boys and computers.
2. The subject in the picture is the two boys working on their computers.
3. I think that the subject is clearly seen because the picture is very simple and is focusing on the boys 
4. What I could have done differently to make this picture even better is to go closer up and not do an overhead shot.


1. The composition rule is framing and I think I somewhat followed this rule because there are distractions.
2. The focus of the picture is the girl working on her artwork.
3. I think that the focus is clear because the girl is in the center of the door which acts as a frame around the focus.
4. The things I can do to make the picture better is to show more of the doorframe and not see the other doorframe.


1. The composition rule for this is balance and I think I followed this rule somewhat because the one girl to the left is cut off.
2. The focus on the picture are the students on each side which shows balance.
3. The focus of the picture is well shown but could be better. The reason it is shown is there are people on each side.
4. What I could do to make this picture better is include the other person on the left and take the picture not at the angle but in the center.


1. I think I followed the rule of lines because it shows the rows and lines of the desks and students.
2. The focus of the picture is the lines of the desks and rows of the students.
3. The focus is somewhat clear in this picture because it is showing the lines of the students however, there is a lot going on.
4. The thing I could have done to make this picture better is to not make it so cluttered and cramming as much as I could into one picture.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Great Black and White Photographs Part two

Ansel Adams was born on February 20, 1902 and died on April 22, 1984. He was born in San Francisco, California. He got his education from Yale and Hardvard University. His jobs were being a photographer and a Conservationalist. Some of Adams most famous books are The Print and The Camera. Some awards that Adams has one are the Hasselblad Award, and Presidential Medal of Freedom. He mostly took photos of landscape black and white. A lot of his pictures have been widely produced on calendars, posters, and books.Adams first portfolio is called Parmelian Prints of the High Sierras. He used the Korona view camera to take his most famous image in that portfolio called Monolith. Even though Adams is most known for his black and white photographs he also worked with color as well. He invented the zone system which basically allowed photographers to have better control over finished products/photographs. He also created the idea of visualization which measured the amount of light values on the photograph. Adams dies in ICU on April 22, 1984 in the Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula in Monterey, CA. He was 82 years old and he died from cardiovascular disease. He had a wife, two children which were named Micheal and Anne and also he had five grandchildren.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Academics and community Service

1.  I picked the photo of the man standing in science gear and pouring the two different colorful liquids into the beaker.

2. The rule of photography that I see very much in this photo is balance. I see this because there is one beaker in the center and then the man is holding two beakers one on each side which balances everything out.

1. I think I could get photos like the ones I saw today by going into science classrooms while there is a lab going on so I can get the students in action.

2. The classroom I would like to visit and take photos in is Ms. Keyes classroom to get the pictures of students while doing the science lab.

3.  As a photographer I will make sure to get under and on top to get an overhead and under view at different levels and perspectives. As well as try to keep balance and framing and all of the rules in place.

Filling the frame

This picture is shown filling the frame because everywhere there are people left right up and down and the picture is filled up by people and supplies for the homeless.

Action and Emotion

I think that tis picture shows the most action and emotion because of the bubbles floating in the air. This picture was obviously taken during an action and the look of the students face looks happy.

The Story

This photograph shows the best story because I think that these are students who come here every morning to pray before the school day around the flag pole.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Rule of Thirds

I picked this picture for the Rule Of Thirds because the smoke is coming from the building on the far right and traveling to the left or the other side of the picture.

Avoiding Mergers

I picked this picture for avoiding burgers because as you can see the man in the very front looks like the street sign is popping from his back as well as the smoke so he is in the middle of the pictures.


I picked this picture for simplicity because it is just a fire fighter with the american flag. He was the one helping people who live in America during these tough times.


I think that this picture shows balance because there is an even amount of buildings on both of the streets that balances the picture out. The smoke and fire is also in the middle of the picture which balances out the picture because it is even.


I chose this picture for the rule of framing. I think that this picture shows a frame because The man on the latter is shown and the frame of the picture is the broken glass or part of the wall that frames the person.


This picture from 9/11 shows lines I believe very well. I think that this picture shows lines because the broken pieces standing up have lines or the wood. That is the only thing on the broken picture. Lines.

Prompt Shoot #1





Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Camera

1. The camera obscura is inside a dark room there is a tiny hole which is created in the wall and inside of the hole you can see the outside which is projected upside down on the other wall. This was the first camera. The hole in the wall is like the lens of a camera.

2. Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens came close to making the first modern camera in the 17th century by perfecting the glass lenses and optics.

3. The parts of the first modern camera that Niépce added was film to create a photograph there was also a glass lens, and a dark box.

4. The modern digital cameras have some of the same functions like Niépce's first camera such as light passes through lenses and into the camera and onto film.

5. Digital cameras use CCD to capture pictures. This is an electronic sensor and the pictures are then stored on computer memory devices.

6. Auto and program mode are popular for modern cameras. Auto mode controls the flash and exposure while program has automatic-assist where you control the lighting and camera settings.

7. The portrait mode is used to blur out the background and the camera will try to use the fastest lens.

8. Sports mode is used to freeze all motion and the camera will then use shutter speed.

9. You should use the half-press trigger when taking a picture because it focuses on what the picture is you are trying to take as well as faster full-press response which is when the camera responds faster.

10.  The symbol disabled flash means there is no flash when you take a picture you would use this button to expose the background of the picture.

11. The symbol auto-flash means that the camera will use flash if the camera thinks thats what the picture needs.

12. Too much light in the picture will be washed out.

13. When there is not enough light the picture will be too dark.

14. A stop is used to represent the change in the brightness of the light.

15. There is one stop brighter if there are two suns instead on one.

16.  There are two stops brighter if there are four suns instead of two.

17. Longer shutter speeds equals more light.

18. Shorter shutter speeds equals less light.

19. The aperture controls the pupil or opening of the camera.

20. When adjusting the aperture you can adjust the amount of light by setting the F stop. The larger the opening the more light.