Friday, October 28, 2016

Composition Rules Part 2












Thursday, October 27, 2016

Funny Captions

Eddy and Angus(the dog) at their home in Oklahoma this beautiful Saturday afternoon once Eddy fell playing basketball with his son he landed by his dog, Angus. Eddy just turned 97 two days ago and he is enjoying every minute of it falling down while trying to remember the good old days and having long talks with his dog.

 Bert, a single man is in downtown Austin dancing for joy that he is still alive Today on his 90th birthday. Bert is quoted when he said, "your never too old to get some ladies" as he danced through the night with joy.

Hazel, while grocery shopping in northern Utah on this amazing Sunday afternoon wore this shirt so people would stop bothering her while she was trying to pick out good food. It took a long time for me to get Hazel to smile because as her shirt said, "I HATE EVERYONE."

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


1. As I worked my through these images at the beginning of the pictures I saw the happiness and the joy of the life that they lived and as i scrolled through the pictures they became more sad. The woman began to lose her hair and lose her smile and then slowly looked like it took a toll on her life. Whenever it showed the empty bed and the grave that made me even more sad because it captured her life when she was happy until her death.

2. After reading the quote that the photographer stated, "These photographers not define us, but they are us." I thought after the photographer said this means that her cancer didn't have a say on their love or relationship and this wasn't their whole life and all the conversations and things that they have ever done and said.

3. I do not think I could shoot photos that good if I were in that situation because I would feel too upset to take pictures of the ones that I love who are suffering and I would only want pictures of the person healthy and happy and not to remember the bad way it ended.

4. If I could write Angelo a letter I would tell him that I am sorry for his loss and would ask him how he could capture a moment or time period like that when it was very hard for him to go through it in person.

Prompt shoot #2




Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Abandones Theme Parks

The theme park I would want to go to is Chippewa Lake Park in Medina County, Ohio. I would like to go to this theme park because there are many roles coasters and things that were there. But, a while after the theme park was abandoned the forest behind and surrounding the park covered all of the roller coasters and the park became part of the forest which I think would be cool to capture. I think this would be interesting to capture because the lighting of all of the plants would be very cool to capture when really it is a theme park.

1. The Grand Hotel - Kupari, Croatia.
2. The lock bridge
3. Danube River 
4. Letters to Juliet Wall
5. in the Bay of Bengal underwater

Image result for wall of keys in italy

I think it would be very fun to document this location of the lock bridge in Paris, France. I think it would be cool because there are so many names and things on the locks and all of the locks are different colors and shapes on a metal fence. I think there are so many different angles and ways that you could capture pictures on this bridge. Also, following many of the rules of photography.

I would need money for round trip flight, money for meals and hotel as well as a DSLR camera. I would just be able to walk to the bridge and take photos.


I was sad to hear that Nick Brandt went through and saw all of the animals 13 years earlier and went through and there were so many animals. Then when he went back he saw zero. That is sad to me. Also, he would wait up to 18 days to get a picture of the animals which is amazing to me because it shows he is very dedicated with his work.

I like this picture because it shows how the elephant is the center with a plain background the the rest of the background is manly elephants.

The rules of photography that are evident in this picture are rule of thirds because even though the elephant is off centered the main focused elephant is to the right. This also shows simplicity because it is just a plain backdrop with the elephants so it gets across the main point. This also shows lines because the elephants are following in a line.

The kind of camera that Nick Brandt used was the Pentax 6711 with only two fixed lenses. The reason for him to take these photos was to show that animals have a personality and a soul so he gets close to capture that. Also, He is also trying to help so the animals can be preserved and not hunted.

Nick Brandt Quote:

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Great Black and White Photographers part 3

What first caught my eye about looking at my photographers pictures is that some were simple and one thing in the picture made it pop and others were crammed with things that made sense to be in that picture.

A. For example in this picture that was taken by Dorothea Lange, the photograph shows a ton of things going on in the picture but it all makes sense. Some photographs do not look good with many things in it but this picture really well shows how a lot in the picture catches your eye. The wooden building caught my eye in the background of the picture.

B. In this photograph taken by Margaret Bourke, I like how simplicity is shown. The "barrels" are all that is focused on and this is what caught my eye because there is not too much but at the same time not too little.

C. In this photograph taken by Ansel Adams, what caught my eye about this picture is the fog in the air. This caught my eye because the fog is covering some of the mountains almost and I fell like everything else is the background.

Great Black and White photographers part 2 :5 senses.


A. I see....
B. I smell....
C. I hear....
D. I taste....
E. I feel....


A. I see the veins in the leaf. The veins run through the leaves of the branches and connect to the         tree. I see the little thorns on the branches behind the leaves.

B. I smell the forest that the leaves of the tree live in. I smell the pine tree from a mile away. I  also smell the fresh breeze that has been blown on the leaves.

C. I hear the rustling of the leaves as they rub together in the wind. I hear the deer running underneath the tree. I hear the rustle of the birds nearby making a nest in the tree.

D. I taste the cool crisp air that rests on the leaves. I taste the fuzziness of the leaves. I taste the dew that dropped from the leaf from the morning.

E. I feel the fuzzy and prickliness of the leaves and thorny branches. I feel the sharp pieces of grass sticking up into my sandals. I feel the strap of my camera hanging around my neck while I am trying to get a good picture.


A. I see the valleys and the peaks of the mountains. I see the empty patches of the mountain where snow doesn't lay. I see the clouds overhead looking as though it is about to rain.

 B. I smell the frostiness of the snow. I smell the clouds as it is about to rain. I smell the dirt underneath the snow of the mountain.

 C. I hear the wind blowing against the snow on the top of the mountain. I hear the rustling of the snow rolling down the side of the mountain. I hear the hikers start their climb up the mountain.

 D. I taste the crystalized snow that melts in your mouth. I taste the sweat from hiking up to the mountain. I taste the cool air as it blows into my mouth.

 E. I feel the fuzzy crisp snow on top of the hard rocky mountain. I feel my fingers press on the camera button. I feel the roughness of there rock that is covered in snow.

3.  Something I would like to create to show the world I am a great photographer is another blog of just my pictures. I would like this so I just have my pictures on the blog as well as show people the pictures I have created. And what I would like to create to show the class my thoughts and feelings about my favorite photographer is a power point because you can put pictures in and audio if that person had a interview.

Mural Project

Mural Project

1.  One theme that we could shoot here at school is of science classes. I think that it would be cool to show the difference of what people are studying between the grades of 9th and 12th. I think it would also be cool to shoot primarily science classes because of labs and microscopes and chemical reactions and all of the fun projects and tests.

2.  I think that we can use phones if people have phones as well as a regular camera because if some people don't have cameras on their phones they can either take turns with other people's phones or just use the regular camera.

3.  I think it would be cool if we put the mural of all of the pictures in the courtyard on a wall somewhere because all of the students walk through or eat lunch in the courtyard. This would be good to show on a wall to give people motivation or just to look at the cool pictures throughout the day.